not seeing much of a difference so far. i got the best one. anyone ?
did you get the one that's built to match your armor, or just go for the sic helmet?
i got the one that matches my armour.
right on. just checking. never know with a wsp fan.
i kid i kid
i think it will work better once i get my resistence up.
its only at 11 now.

awesome. that beats my 6 resistance. it takes so long to train it after a while you just give up.
Your that lazy?
it's you're, not your.
your = our = possessive
you're = you are = your correct choice
I stopped training resistance at 6 too, it just takes too long. I pretty much just train strength, thats really the only important combat stat.
me too. the strength helps with my mellee weapon a lot.