mudpies Wrote:sv and dark poopies have nothing on DIS, they just don't know it yet.
agreed, besides the great peeps here, we got . . . well a bunch of odd peeps too, so we're bound to do something or something else i can't decide, wait a minute what was this all about again, you guys all change the subject sooooooooooo much i forget, well either that or it's the beer, hmmm, naw i love beer it's you guys forsure . . .
hahaha, i love dis to hell with sv, val, those other guys and the ones that it's about . . . and bob barker kicked happy gilmours @$$, oh yea back on topic right . . . . blah blah blah and other stuff too that i forget of course it sounded better but i can't type fast enough for my brain, i know . . . . . wow that's slow.
oh yea i got 5 more pages to read this will be fun . . . . congrats or whatever so i'm still on topic i think i should go to off the wall, that's where i'm headed now, don't drink and post!!!!!!!!!!!!
now arent you all glad i bumped this?
yeap! wow i was drunk. the super villians are pretty good, i say we all gang up on them. they can't take every gang at once
Shotokan Wrote:yeap! wow i was drunk. the super villians are pretty good, i say we all gang up on them. they can't take every gang at once
We have taken on 11 gangs at once and won

that's nutz . . . well i'm sure there is more then 11 gangs around . . . how long has it been since you guys lost a war?
Shotokan Wrote:that's nutz . . . well i'm sure there is more then 11 gangs around . . . how long has it been since you guys lost a war?
Including that competition we had or do u mean just by being attacked?
I am tired and need a hosp stay...crazy chuck is back!!!!! :0)))))))))
was it the 99ers in your comp that beat you the last time?
mudpies Wrote:was it the 99ers in your comp that beat you the last time?
You know it but, I think the Server Meltdown helped with that. :wink: :roll:
you guys just about had us too. it was real close and real quick