ummm so when you mug someone they get mugged for EVERYTHING theyre holding? i honesnty cant imagine being able to mug soemoen for a whole 200k everytime ive mugged someone i was lucky to walk away with 50 bucks lol
yea, my record was $635, but I kept hitting him, and hitting him, and hitting him and ended up with a few k.
but I dont think they would have gotten the full 200k
i think the first time you mug someone you get like 40-55% of what that player has; and i think it may depend on the attacker's level
neh.. i think it is 10% u get everytime.. or less..
but if u mug all the time u can get almost all of the money

lol.. now i am down to cardboard box
this is how i got here:
- 100k in bank
- degrade from townhouse to bunglow
- send 200k to him
the weapon shows up in item market
- degrade from bunglow to cardboard box
- buy weapon
- 3k in bank

HMMMM, doesn't sound like anybody is rude right now, right?????? Sounds like the wep found it's way where it needed to go after all.
yiiihaahh ! .. silversurfer is back on.. and he said he will give me the money back

.. he is truely very kind

.. i will send u the money u sent to try and help.. i really appreciate ur kindness