Hi guys..!
i am here for your help.. i sent silversurfer 200k so that he could buy me a weapon from the midlan district.. but he got mugged before he could login again (infact he hasn't logged in yet :/ ) :x
if u were the one who mugged him, could u plz be kind and give, if not all, some of the money back to me plz :S ? .. or silversurfer [if he's online]. I would really appreciate it :oops:
plz guys.. saved that money for quite some time, i even degraded my house to send him that much

yeah i know.. i made a mistake.. but he was online when i sent him the money, less than 1 minute, but then he didn't come online

thx jinx for the 5k,
i have mailed the -ForHire guys, and i really hope they are nice guys.
if i get my money back, or even half of it back, jinx u'll get ur money back
thx for helping everyone!
I wish you the utmost luck bud. Will hold off busting and try some complex meth crimes and send you a few K also just in case.

Scorpious Wrote:I truly feel very bad for you on this as it would take me forever to make that kind of money but I personally would not have sent anyone any money unless they were on. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!! I can truly feel your pain there.

I think this issue is best taken up with the player to whom you gave the money. It seems irresponsible to agree to get a weapon for someone, get the money and then sign off without completing the transaction.
I know when we agree to procure weapons and armor, we remain online until the transaction is complete.
Really, I cant belive he did that!! How RUDE

Mighke Wrote:I think this issue is best taken up with the player to whom you gave the money. It seems irresponsible to agree to get a weapon for someone, get the money and then sign off without completing the transaction.
I know when we agree to procure weapons and armor, we remain online until the transaction is complete.
I agree there. I was renting a weapon for a few weeks from somebody (until somebody loaned me something better) and I always made sure he was online to send him the cash and that he would stay on until he received it. Something must have happened to cause him to logoff like that. Just ask him. I am sure he will acknowledge the money receipt and get you the wep you wanted. I am not going to say he is rude and I am sure there are others who will say the same and some who will say otherwise. However, if he doesn't acknowledge the money you sent to him then others may say he is rude as well. Just make sure you had the agreement then and there for the money exchange and that he was going to stay online to receive it.

well i hope he comes online soon, btw how is it going with this contest

? there is no one in the jail to bust