I would really like to see comments posted form players in the same way gangs get to post comments. Now I realise this envites abuse of the system but I think an internal policing of the system my prove to be a solid response to this. We don't tolerate attacks on new players, we should not tolerate abusers of this idea. I would really like to see what ppl put down as to what or who their chr is. At present you can only find this out in the forums from the tiny pic, and other little tid bits. Can we have a chr page that we can costomise (with in limits). I think most of us are high spead enough for this to work. For the ppl who still are dial up maybe the game can cox them a little. Perhapps Verizon would be willing to sponsor somthing? Feedback please, first person to say first gets attacked by me!
*Critt'ed by wall of words for 2600 damage*
The enter key is your friend
Having an option to customize your character screen like you can customize the gang page would be really nice and to be able to have pictures and so forth.
However to prevent it from being abused, the easiest way would be to have it confirmed by admin or mods that it is okay to have on character screen.
However this would eat up a lot of Zeniths time, verifying that the character screen post isn't violating rules. Letting people post freely whatever they want will cause to abuse when people are in a bad mood and so on.
This idea has been posted several times, mostly because it's a good idea. And has been refused just as many times because policing the text will just take too much time. Unless someone comes up with a system that can make it easy for Zenith and Err to keep it under control without having to spend to much time editing the character pages. If this idea comes through, you might have to accept that moderators help keep the character pages moderated aswell. Or that moderators have to accept the text before it is added to the "My Profile" page.
Word censors. XD Like on the forum. That's all I have to say.
ah yeah, I see that. We would need a panthion of in game mods.

as everybody knows it would be sweet to be able to do this, but there is those that would abuse it ,i know there is programs that can be instaled that would censer certian words and photos , i have seen it on a few other sites ,also i know alot of players will try to disrespect others with photos and comments, so as a whole we all would have to come up with what would happen to those that broke those rules that was put into place and what the rules would be, i hope that oneday it will happne, if not make a place in the forums so everybody could post about their char,that is anouther idea
this is a good idea, but only if changes are approved before they are final.
I will volunteer for that job. Those who know me know I love to clown people but also follow directives when I need to. I see no problem spending a few minutes a few times every day reviewing changes before I approve them. Just give a list of guidelines and it'll be simple.
How about having it as a donator benefit. If it's inappropriate in any way you lose it. Cost some in-game cash to change it.
zenith Wrote:How about having it as a donator benefit. If it's inappropriate in any way you lose it. Cost some in-game cash to change it.
sounds fair to me