Was my gang the only one attacking? LOL A few of us finished I am sure. Not bad points I guess. 4 points for 400+ damage. HMMM, must be missing something here. LOL As far as declaring again, "NEVERMORE". HEHE
9 gangs were hitting and got out of the balazar snare. great job guys. shadow cradle jumping in to help when they knew they could get trapped. Nice job all!!!
8 gangs currently trapped.
Guys, c'mon! use game mail and MSN live! organize and get outta the snare!! You can do it :!:
ok i need all gangs that want to help get out of this stupid war to contact Smiley, from Villans Vixens, lets finish this off so can finally rest

there is a few of us who have fallen for the trap including me in declaring war on balzars gang i think if we all go for it now we can do it tho. at first we only hit 1hp but as we break there defense we can start hitting bigger numbers lets all go for it now
We are planning an attack to get out at 8pm server time tonight. If everyone hits we can get out.
We will use The Force to help defeat the evil empire.
What's this we garbage? Last time I checked the Death Star was evil.

2 mins! everyone ready?!?