around 50 at full... way harder than it needs to be.... without 6 hard hitters and I mean hard.... you will probably never win..... they refresh a great deal per game refresh.....
also the hardening is jacked up real high.... cutting your average down alot...
u are close...hard is not it...they had over 200 repair per refresh before the points you will gain are less than you can get for us

thanks for all the insight. didn't realize what I was getting my gang into.
is there any chance to send a surrender and the surrender to be accepted by Balazars Gang ?

I see 4 gangs at war with them right now. Talk to each other, pick out a good time for an all out attack. You might win if you work together, and/or hire a mega gang like pest to lend a hand.
we talked to each other....
i was just suggesting

nope no surrenders bro,better get the other gangs together and work together
i was not complaining or whining about it..
we have/had a plan but undesired situations appear all the time
does someone know, if one of the Balazars' gang members is attacked and put in hospital has any influence on the refresh rate of the gang hideout?
alinutza Wrote:does someone know, if one of the Balazars' gang members is attacked and put in hospital has any influence on the refresh rate of the gang hideout?
thats a great Q