2007.Oct.16, 09:55 AM
2007.Oct.16, 10:43 AM
Racing Belts, changing the tag from NOS or whatever, replacing it with Awakened Lands, or http://www.awakenedlands.com.
Like OEF idea with the tags, but you can't miss out the Admin tag, or even better "Zenith" and "Err".
Just a few drek ideas lol.
Like OEF idea with the tags, but you can't miss out the Admin tag, or even better "Zenith" and "Err".
Just a few drek ideas lol.
2007.Oct.16, 11:40 AM
![[Image: carth5.jpg]](http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/6350/carth5.jpg)
2007.Oct.16, 12:37 PM
andyscho Wrote:Just let me know any ideas you have in mind. Im a designer so Ive got access to quite a lot of stuff, if not I can always illustrate something.i would like to see the gang tags on the car someway or anouther,i would like to put zenith and errs names down the side of the car and down the oppsite side the awakened lands banner,still thinking of the hood
2007.Oct.17, 06:57 PM
like it was mentioned before dont sell such a good car short by putting in sonyexplode ANYTHING in the car all you have to do is shop around to find somthing comparable for the same price i know for a fact the alpine alpine also makes a good head unit for the price mp3 and full eq with buiilt in high and low pass filters alpine sd are only a few dollars more and they will last you better and you can take the money you would spend on 2 sony subs and buy one infinty or memphis sub try out p.c.richards or 6th ave electronics if you dont have thoses near by go to swap meets and auto shows also ebay is a GREAT place i got 6 1/2 interiors and and infinity kappa perfect at a quater of the list price all in perfect never been used condition in the box and EVERYTHING pioneer makes rockin head units but they can get real pricey real quick and i just got my buddy 2 sets 6 1/2 of interior speakers for under 100 brand new i just bought my self a pioneer 500 rms mono block amp for also under sorry i'm a little nutz about audio i spent more on my radio then i did on my car 
the deals are out there you just gota do some leg work

the deals are out there you just gota do some leg work
2007.Oct.17, 08:25 PM
Awesome idea!
2007.Oct.18, 04:53 AM
This is the Koolest Car around ATM.
Better & Faster than vorenus's Bugatti Veyron.
![[Image: barabusTKR.jpg]](http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e277/MemmnocK/barabusTKR.jpg)
270 Mph - 0 to 60 in 1.6 seconds :shock:
Would love to see it it in Metalic Mother of Pearl colour.

![[Image: barabusTKR.jpg]](http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e277/MemmnocK/barabusTKR.jpg)
270 Mph - 0 to 60 in 1.6 seconds :shock:
Would love to see it it in Metalic Mother of Pearl colour.

2007.Oct.18, 06:30 PM
just wanted to update everybody,the balance shaft removeal kit has been ordered,i am thinking of changing the idea of having zen and err down oneside and outting them on the hood along with two other players(still working on those two other players).some body work has began on it as well
2007.Oct.18, 08:23 PM
Maybe a "ShadowGaurd" would be nice on it, you are making it remember but don't be biased to anyone ShadowGaurd. (And a big Shadow badge)

2007.Oct.21, 01:16 AM
The 2 guys names on the Hood shud be "PUNISHER" & "VORENUS" kool names. 8)
and offcourse.lol "EvilScotSmaN"
and offcourse.lol "EvilScotSmaN"