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Full Version: Suggestions. =D
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i get what youre saying, but customizable weapons seems somewhat.. unnecessary. most games dont even have that feature, and the ones that do suck. except diablo2. thats probably the only one that didnt suck.
You had to have the right stuff, though..Anyway, if you're sayin' it's unnecessary..Why do some of the people in this game have their own weapons/armor? Like Yoda?
as rewards for contests. the game isnt here to give everyone their own little customizable weapons, nor is it available to people who throw money around like paper. its as a reward for competing in AL sponsored contest. if zenith says "heres a contest, winner gets a sweet weapon," then maybe theres a chance that shiny new weapon will have your name engraved on it.

no more jealousy please.


Abys, I don't once see him stating jealousy in there. What I see is pure curiosity. Smile
Yeah. Great assumptioned, Abysmalpoptart. ;D -Thumbs up.- You failed at making any kind of point about my feelings about this. Especially since it was a SUGGESTION. Let me spell that out for you. ES-UU-GEE-GEE-EE-ES-TEE-EI-OH-EN. Suggestion. =D!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you could understand, but to throw this out there.

Look at the very top of the list and tell me what kinda level people are up there in the winners positions. :-? Mostly higher level people. =D! Anyway..Being able to pay gobs of cash, wait a good two weeks or three for it to be made, and possibly having to pay repair bills to keep it in shape, would be a sure fire way of getting ahold/maintaining such customizable weapons. =D!!!!
win a contest and you can get one too Smile


Suggestion: A section in the pantheon for Individual Gang War Stats (Most attacks, most attacks per war, Attack Proficiency...etc).


i'm still kind of new to this game, but i've gotten a couple of friends to join me in the AL and i've met some pretty cool people besides.

i was wondering if it were possible to have an address book added to the mailbox? it'd help me keep up with everybody.


You can have a friends & enemies list when you're a donator, so you can reach them all quickly if you need to mail them. That or write down all their ID's.
Or you can archive your mailbox to your desktop and keep the names there.
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