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To throw a little feed-back to the 'pure stupidity' motion, also..A crime's a crime, be it stupid or rather intricit..What matters is that the crimes pay off. =D
Oh. Something got thrown into my mind. We need ways to build up reputation. Perhaps there are more dark careers that could be had with certain stat levels. Crime Mob Boss, Transport, Drug Dealer, Hitman, Ect.


TommiTheTaco Wrote:I like the suggestion. I like the fact that he's trying to suggest new crimes. =D That's something that we need. New crimes to do.

He's suggesting crimes, that's a plus, but with dog fights and cork fights, not so good. That's animal cruelty, if you ask me. I'm not a big fan of that stuff, dude. Wink
Dresicos Wrote:He's suggesting crimes, that's a plus, but with dog fights and cork fights, not so good. That's animal cruelty, if you ask me. I'm not a big fan of that stuff, dude. Wink

When I see the word cork, I think of an SNL skit with Janet Jackson on "soaking corks". lol

I would like to see the crime list expanded, with a little more variation on the intermediate crimes. Like multiple or similar cost AP crimes with different payouts and difficulties. I am sure the other members are looking for high end AP cost crimes with payouts better than 2k.
Suggestion #5: Glove-based weapons.
Examples: Brass knuckles. Electric gloves. Boxing gloves(Mercury injected or not). Stuff like that.


The brass knuckles could be an advance to this game, also. But they wouldn't do THAT much damage to someone, especially if you had crap worth of strength. :oops: Anyways, I like the suggestions, especially the more dark career ones.
I don't think Zenith really looks at these forums too much..I sent her a message about the suggestion, too..she read it, but never responded, so I don't know what's going through her mind right now.


Yall do have to remember, she's coding all the time. And some of the stuff yall suggested may already be on her list, she just has to finish certain things before she goes on to another. Patience is a virtue.
You really have to state the stuff that's already imbedded in my head? You really don't have the quote old men's talk. We know. However, I am entitled to think..And I know she's rather busy, but it still leads me to wonder if she's takin' it seriously.


Some stuff she takes seriously, and the other stuff is pure stupidiness for the game in her way. Whatever she thinks, goes, man. You gotta remember that. Plus, she is busy, all the time, gotta give her time, just as Zeus said.
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