Haha, yer, I have a slow system... well slow enough, I don't pull my hair out when I have to wait 1-15 secounds for the bank page to load up, me to withdraw some cash and then buy the item.
I know what you mean, but an old adage comes to mind.
Good things come to those who wait.
There is a RPG that uses "credsticks". These are basically pre-paid credit cards. If someone "steals" them from a player during a mugging, they only have the card. They don't have access to the cash unless they "break" it.
Breaking into someone's credstick required skill, and only then they could only get a certain amount of cash unless the owner of the card acted prior to the player breaking the credstick.
For example, say Vorenus got mugged and had a credstick with $100,000K on it. He happened to be in one of his "offline till I regen my energy/ap" modes, so the mugger only had 5 minutes or so to try and break the credstick's encryption to nab some cash from it.
Now let's assume the mugger happened to be skilled enough to hack into the credstick and grab some cash. He would get between 10% to 20% of the cash on the credstick before the bank disabled it.
Or, let's assume Vorenus logs in before the mugger could break the credstick. He'd get an event where he could enable the security features on his credstick, virtually making it useless to the mugger.
Just an idea.
zenith Wrote:There is a RPG that uses "credsticks". These are basically pre-paid credit cards. If someone "steals" them from a player during a mugging, they only have the card. They don't have access to the cash unless they "break" it.
Breaking into someone's credstick required skill, and only then they could only get a certain amount of cash unless the owner of the card acted prior to the player breaking the credstick.
For example, say Vorenus got mugged and had a credstick with $100,000K on it. He happened to be in one of his "offline till I regen my energy/ap" modes, so the mugger only had 5 minutes or so to try and break the credstick's encryption to nab some cash from it.
Now let's assume the mugger happened to be skilled enough to hack into the credstick and grab some cash. He would get between 10% to 20% of the cash on the credstick before the bank disabled it.
Or, let's assume Vorenus logs in before the mugger could break the credstick. He'd get an event where he could enable the security features on his credstick, virtually making it useless to the mugger.
Just an idea.
could open up many more crime opportunities and maybe even new jobs (security) what if you could steal some1s identity for like 5-10 mins and wreck havoc on their acct(like attack their fellow gang members or steal a % of their $) . you coould make it so that you could gain control of some1s ID for a lil while but cant do everything, just pick fights and steal some cash? good idea zenith
Ouch, I don't like that, if you have school and are saving for a house it could get messy.

Just my 2 cents... I could always make it messier though.

well if u can find out who it is u could always pop them one after the deed... if it makes u feel better
Just don't put any money on that account then. Use the other one. LOL
Can always have one of those prepaid cards with a designated amount. HEHE