This post was "stupid" and "wasteful" (check your spelling on that CK. But either way he posted it so the whole community will know about it. That was his own decision. And now I'm sure most of the people that have read this are behind the Bad Family and will support them if he does decide to steal the money. Personally, I could care less. I will be neutral until I get asked to help hit you and your gang. I'll tell you right now, if I get asked to, I will do it.
Bad Bambino's are back in business.. recruiting?? lol
They decided to give it back, even though i hear most are disagreeing. Wise decision i say.
The gang is now back in the Bad Families control. smythcruesfc did the right thing. I don't agree with him leaving like he did but that is now water under the bridge. I personally will not hold a grudge he is to low for me to waste my ap on anyway. Not enough exp. lol

well at least some of you appreciate it!!
Although still some bastards like silversrufer there... glad to see the back of him!
He decided to message me once i gave it back n he wasnt very appreciative... this is wat he said:
Silver Surfer --> why did u leave the BAD family and go out on ur own?
and also, why are you tryin to stir up crap with our members and go running to zenith telling lies and changing around what Snyiper said?
Me --> i wasnt active enough so i made my own gang with real life friends!
And snyiper threatened us and said about us being permentally hospitalised and attacked by your gang and yous are much stronger than us... so i assumed this ment yous were harrasing us if yous continually did this and that with your gang being much stronger it owuld be using game mechanics!
Silver Surfer --> lots of IF's there, lol
besides, wars are wars, end of story, nothing cheating about it, and also nothing cheating about hosp people when they are online either, for god sakes, look what we do here to earn money, we rob, steal and forge stuff, get over it, and if u keep this crap up i will start to enforce some of the more harsh punishments for ur actions, and trust me, i have a lot of friends here to get my back and help me out if i really wanted to. or u can send each BAD gang a peace offering of 25k to each leader and just say u have stopped the crap u started and ur sorry, and ill call off the dogs. thanks and talk to you later.
I hate threats and bullies...
This thread is a waste of time about who's gonna get more attention and who will be victimized
Fancy lines ya got there.
hydro9226 Wrote:I hate threats and bullies...
This thread is a waste of time about who's gonna get more attention and who will be victimized
Just wanted our gang back, that's all.
well if you threats and bullies and you find this thread pointless what was the need for you to post in it?
Would that not be attention seeking?
smythcruesfc Wrote:well if you threats and bullies and you find this thread pointless what was the need for you to post in it?
Would that not be attention seeking?
From what I have got out of it, this deal between yall is now over. Let's keep it that way.
I think it is... silversurfer hospitalised me about an hour ago but i think that is sorted now... soaresdurate and koko say they sorted that with him so i think its over!