abstractamy Wrote:Member Non-War Repair Chart
Can you make it so you can see who is Non-War repairing the gang? Maybe there could be a list of 25-50 Recent repairs. It would be helpful to see who in the gang is helping restore a gangs hideout.
Member Averages
A list that says what each user averages in attacks, and defenses in gang wars. This might help the gang decide who should be defending and who should be attacking.
Gang Updates
Something that the gang leaders can post up news, and announcements. Maybe even something that will Auto-Announce on the front page when you win/lose a war.
President Options
Something to allow the president to allow the Vice President to declare war. That would be extremely helpful because some gangs have to switch Pres. with each other everyday so this can be arranged.
Rejecting Applications
When/If you get rejected from a gang, that user might want a reason why. Implementing a comment on a users rejection offering them advice of what they might need to re-apply at a later date might be helpful.
Some of these ideas are really good, others are quite useless. I think these one are valid suggestions... The Pres option is a must!! the others... well some are just for curiosity's sake :wink:
I've heard a rumor that the ability for a vice pres to declare will not be happening.
mudpies Wrote:I've heard a rumor that the ability for a vice pres to declare will not be happening.

That kinnda sucks. It would be nice to have someone else be able to declare *sniffles*
I think the VP should absolutely be able to declare war so a gang can remain active in the case where a President isn't able to sign on for a given reason.
I also think a good idea is for gang members to receive character experience points for attacking a hideout. Maybe a bonus if he/she is the one who puts the finishing attack on the enemy hideout. Maybe not the same as attacking one one one experience but at least some.
mudpies Wrote:I've heard a rumor that the ability for a vice pres to declare will not be happening.
Please be wary of "rumors" unless you hear it from me. I generally don't release information unless it's for everyone to know.
With that said, a blanket "all VPs get this ability" won't happen.
However, I do plan on giving presidents the ability to appoint certain gang functions to various gang members in the future. Will declaring war be one of these options? Most likely.
I envision all staff functions being delegated / rescinded by the president at any time to any member(s) of a president's gang, but this type of ability will take some time to code.
Freaking awesome idea, better than anything we came up with. Gets the whole gang involved in the process. It would be nice to have someone in charge of crimes, someone in charge of wars, etc.
how long u think itll take for the new stuff
killer1994 Wrote:how long u think itll take for the new stuff
Long enough for you to sell your gang and recruit members at least 50 times.
That's not a question that can be asked and answered. She has to work on the idea, code it then test and fix what she finds, etc.
that sound like a while but itll be worth it