2007.Aug.11, 08:07 AM
Pages: 1 2
2007.Aug.11, 08:23 AM
ShadowKid Wrote:cough cough i h8 u :roll:Tell us something new next time... :wink:
2007.Aug.11, 08:24 AM
:roll: lol
2007.Aug.12, 12:09 AM
... just seriously give up with those odd dreams of yours. it's never gonna happen and I never want it to. being a non-donator myself, I want to keep it fair by just not giving the game some uber advancements like that that could absolutely ruin it for like 75% of us (or w/e the % of non-donator is) but I will be getting donator status by buying it with money (buying credits with money) and then I'll actually have a chance against everybody else.
2007.Aug.12, 11:19 AM
MaxGhost Wrote:... just seriously give up with those odd dreams of yours. it's never gonna happen and I never want it to. being a non-donator myself, I want to keep it fair by just not giving the game some uber advancements like that that could absolutely ruin it for like 75% of us (or w/e the % of non-donator is) but I will be getting donator status by buying it with money (buying credits with money) and then I'll actually have a chance against everybody else.
well said. It's not just the non donators that would get screwed. It's those of us who can't donate hundreds a month. The game is already skewed towards high dollar donators as it is.
2007.Aug.20, 08:39 PM
Being a donater myself I would say that the donation center is perfect the way it is. Its a good balance without going to far. I love this game very much, and I would hate to see the donation center, and who donates to be the big focus of its future. I honestly think they should have a it so you see what your donating for.. perhaps a new feature on the site? I would love to see were the money actually goes. I've donated close to 300$ this month (which is all I plan on paying for the long as I play!) I would love to see that money go to some good use. Thats why were donating, right? ^^
2007.Aug.20, 11:46 PM
What you want a pic of zens new plasma?

2007.Aug.21, 05:21 AM
abstractamy Wrote:Being a donater myself I would say that the donation center is perfect the way it is. Its a good balance without going to far. I love this game very much, and I would hate to see the donation center, and who donates to be the big focus of its future. I honestly think they should have a it so you see what your donating for... perhaps a new feature on the site? I would love to see were the money actually goes. I've donated close to 300$ this month (which is all I plan on paying for the long as I play!) I would love to see that money go to some good use. Thats why were donating, right? ^^
Dude, someone owes you a freaking cookie. That's WAY more than I'd ever hope to spend here... But, YOU should get something, anything. So I give you a congrats.
2007.Aug.21, 10:29 AM
I honestly would love to see the staff implement some new features ^^ I have tons of ideas ^^ Maybe I will make a in depth post today.. They should maybe get like little Trophyies (in the text since) on there profiles. Maybe so people can see that they donated opposed to purchasing credits at the market..that would be kewl.
Cookies o.O
Cookies o.O
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