remember when there was only about 30 or 40? I guess the sky's the limit now on total number of gangs

Maybe some gangs should consider merging for better results......
There is no need for there to be less gangs, the more the marrier. (I no I can't spell.)
hahaha...yes, very slow day. How can you tell?

I'm not complaining that there's too many, just pointing out that the way the game is set up now, it might be better for many people to join up in one gang rather than having a million 2,3, or 4 man gangs. Just a thought....
yes, i guess it all boils down to the money

banddork1988 Wrote:There is no need for there to be less gangs, the more the marrier. (I no I can't spell.)
Merrier, and now you know.