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if he doesnt play anymore how is he still the wealthest player in the game still?


Erm, I'm thinking it may be his bank. lol He donated a lot for money and then banked when he retired. Well he tried to give it to some players but he wasn't allowed so it was put back into his bank.


and becoming more rich as his interest builds, unless Zenith shut off his interest Smile


derek2752 Wrote:and becoming more rich as his interest builds, unless Zenith shut off his interest Smile
=/ id say the interest is still too slow to keep him up there for long.


Nope he quit because he got bored at the top. Like a few others have before.


I wish there was a career skill to break into people's bank accounts. Level 4 martial arts should make you a ninja and able to sneak past bank security into the vault.


dayute Wrote:I wish there was a career skill to break into people's bank accounts. Level 4 martial arts should make you a ninja and able to sneak past bank security into the vault.

:bandito: effin rock. I can SOOOO see that too. Why everyone tryin to break into the bank? BISH STOLE MA FISH!

Anyhow, I think that would be like Level 10 not


Level 50 sounds more reasonable to me. Oh hold on, no it doesn't sound reasonable one bit, all the new players will just be getting constantlly robbed. Everbody will be robbed apart from like the top 20 who will make treats and a few of there friends lol.


hmm, political level 50, 'turn awakened lands into your own dictatorship' .. yeaaahhh Twisted


Lol, I meant the suggestion doesn't sound reasonable alltogether my bad. Wink
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