(2014.Jul.13 04:03 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]'I own my own house' doesn't include being the soul beneficiaries of a squatter hover, Cunter.
Anyway, life is wonderful. When I ambettwr than you, which is always,, life is wonderful.
Hands down get more pussy than you fat guts wow your tough on a text based game put it on your cv for your next interview where they tell yon your not what there looking for in real talk your overweight and a waste of time space and air

You're boring, Cunter. Guess that's why you get more of your own hand that your girl's snatch. A lot of puss, that Rosey Palms and her 5 sisters. Way more than my 2 or 3 strays .
Anyway, if you do real life like you do thd people on this game, you, your girl, and your kid will be kicked out of your mother's house and living in the alley of a local fish and chips shop hoping for some slightly less moldy food than the day before in no time.
Keep up the good work.
I guess it's nothing new, but, is it possible that the skill bonus we had for this contest does not reflect?
The skill I trained just passed the nearest one. Same lvl, but the % is lower, wich does not make sense. Like it is applied but does not show.