I'm not entirely sure what u think ur trying to say however unlike MOST gangs on this game we don't send mails to ppl in gangs begging them to join ours. We don't need to. In fact I find that THAT is the Rudest thing anyone can do. So u might want to watch what you are implying the next time u decide to write 3 paragraphs of garbage!
Let me stop ya right there howl. Just cuz u dont do that personally means nothing for the rest of the members in the gang. Ive personally been requested to join by no less than 5 of your gang memebers ovrr the past 2 years. Im sure they'll even admit to it. Based on this, comparing your roster to my past memebers id be willing to bet bestbitch and bousch were recruited whilst residing in a gang. Check your refferences before you think your gang has some higher etiquette.
It makes ppl sound stupid when they are the only one doesnt know they're they are full of shit.
ooooo, heads will roll soon!!! Too bad im going on a long, epic adventure pilgrimage soo good luck everyone!! i will be inactive again, have fun stroking ur e-peens/vags thinking "hey i just beat a level 50 which is the oldest in the game (~hush Joekerr~) woot!!!"
I grab the popcorn let the games begin
(2014.May.12 03:23 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Let me stop ya right there howl. Just cuz u dont do that personally means nothing for the rest of the members in the gang. Ive personally been requested to join by no less than 5 of your gang memebers ovrr the past 2 years. Im sure they'll even admit to it. Based on this, comparing your roster to my past memebers id be willing to bet bestbitch and bousch were recruited whilst residing in a gang. Check your refferences before you think your gang has some higher etiquette.
It makes ppl sound stupid when they are the only one doesnt know they're they are full of shit.
By we she probably means the gangs founders. She doesn't track everyone in the gang that has asked a friend to join.
We haven't recruited since we formed... since those words were used (recruit) I am sure she keyed on them.
LOL. It appears we all live in different countries and cultures, because I too fail to understand what many of you are misinterpreting or how you are doing it. If anyone can't see my point of view I invite you to try to do what little we have done in our short time here. I agree with RJ. I'd love to wait for people to come to us more... if there were any people. All those without must seek. If they can't call a spade a spade, I'm glad they chose elsewhere to bumble. Some of us still have to work hard to get anywhere.
The games are ongoing PK, laugh at this.
I was thinking of Messages like this from the Leader of a Gang:
Sender : TheNightProwler [41433]
Date : 11 May 14 @ 1:56:07 am
Subject : Forum
I was reading your post. Dark Matter is mostly fat greedy old players now. Good luck in your run to 50. We have been looking for somebody to get into a $80 mil housing rotation. If you become unhappy there you just may be our guy. I think you are farming way below your abilities as well.
What I find Ironic is that he mentions the $80mill house Smiley plans to get and he has the NERVE to call us greedy?!?
Well then, i had assumed u meant us. I shant be defending the rest of AL. They will need their own awesomely charismatic silver-tongued anti-hero/ chain-blunt-smokin diplomatic cheeky prick to handle their defense.
Im exclusive

(2014.May.12 07:37 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Well then, i had assumed u meant us. I shant be defending the rest of AL. They will need their own awesomely charismatic silver-tongued anti-hero/ chain-blunt-smokin diplomatic cheeky prick to handle their defense.
Im exclusive 
I only point fingers at ppl who piss me off like caine, & avenger...... and a bunch of ppl I have blocked but can't remember offhand who they r. My reply was only is response to dead something something and his presumption that we run around mailing gangs for the sole purpose of stealing other ppls members.