Declares war on a gang with 8 members online, then bends over and takes it.
1:42 pm Santas Workshop has declared war on your gang!
Opponent Damage Dealt Damage Received Gang Points Winner
Santas Workshop 3345 181 102 jOINTcHIEFS
I cant imagine the guy who declared this being in the gang much longer, this happens at least once a month.
For some reason that retard still is even after doing that 3x in 2months.... Keeps saying the same bullshit: "I'm sorry won't happen again"
Still not so sure why he still has privs or in the gang...
Personally I think he's working for them. He's their little mole!
(2014.May.10 05:53 AM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ]Personally I think he's working for them. He's their little multi
We canhosp him for you. Ya know to prove hes not ours and 'Avenge' ur honor...
Can you hosp Mutha while your at it? Love to see the outcome of that

(2014.May.10 11:26 AM)vInDicaTed Wrote: [ -> ]Can you hosp Mutha while your at it? Love to see the outcome of that
yeah, I'm sure she would LOVE that for her mothers day gift!

I would but shes hidin in the arcology
Im. Glad to see you all still know where to find the forum. Stop by more often. Its hard for me and the 4 other guys that still use the forum to keep up the conversation at times
Just remember, He was your part of the spoils from our first hosp war. You won him fair and square. He's all yours now. I am a bit disappointed with all the hard work I put into him while he was here, I haven't seen any improvement since. Are yall not smoking the good stuff with him or what?
As for multi's, the only ones we've had are from all the other gangs. I guess we were the only gang with strong enough game play that were willing to develop new players and had something to offer.Every time we get full, all of the ancient gangs come hosping to get our activity. They get the problems that go with turncoats as well. Whining, begging, not wanting to attack, attacking the wrong people, sending out stats and info. Why do you think we war so hard? After we help out and put up with all the crap and try to make the game as fun as we can, they bail.
Q: How do you know the next person to join Dark Matter?
A: When you try to recruit them they say "I'm not interested in joining a gang"
It's a joke yes, but you can put Habitat or Asylum in your place and it has held true time after time. I think all but Avenger and Hellraiser have become inactive since. I guess they were really impressed with how well a gang with 20+ levels per member can dismantle our gang when they are online and actually care enough to attack... other than those, that's where our 100 members went.
To the credit of both players, they at least stayed in the spot they bailed to. Next time you get one of our players we would like a 12 pack of Bud Light and a fresh pack of rolling papers.
Oops, I almost forgot Rolltide... almost.
Happy Mutha's day.