Wat? i think my IQ just dropped even more! Let's be honest here, who ELSE understands this? I even tried hard to consider all viewpoints/relative angles to understand it, and not just dismissed it coz he's a natural retard but... yeah...
Even this is better!:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus auctor purus lectus, vitae iaculis nibh ultrices vel. Mauris venenatis nisl ut lectus commodo consectetur. Mauris dapibus ante vel elit auctor pulvinar. Nullam eu fringilla arcu.
(2014.Apr.11 11:01 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Cripple fight?

Love ur new name btw, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery <3
(2014.Apr.11 11:13 AM)deadmanwalking Wrote: [ -> ]I seem to remember some braggadaccio in a thread about "Who snitched on 36" I seem to recall a bounty on Monk and 36 for at least 1 million... perhaps more from about 2010-11. I believe the stipulation was Monk inactive and 36 done.
Good point, too bad Predator has been inactive for over a year. I was hoping this would turn out to be PKs bountry [sic] but no such luck.
Shit son, im puttin that on all future resumes. "Awesome charismatic influence" I'll be usin that when they ask for three words that best describe me haha. Such an improvement from the "lost cause pothead" description i been usin
(2014.Apr.11 12:25 PM)fngMalvos Wrote: [ -> ] (2014.Apr.11 11:13 AM)deadmanwalking Wrote: [ -> ]I seem to remember some braggadaccio in a thread about "Who snitched on 36" I seem to recall a bounty on Monk and 36 for at least 1 million... perhaps more from about 2010-11. I believe the stipulation was Monk inactive and 36 done.
Good point, too bad Predator has been inactive for over a year. I was hoping this would turn out to be PKs bountry [sic] but no such luck.
Hmm. Thanks for the link. I was sure the post must have been Mac. Looks like if PRED420R comes back I'll have to fly the 36 to save him some bread. I can do that with 1 month's earnings from Habitat, errr Dissidence or whatever. No Bountrys here without coming and seeing the taxman. I guess you're short on this one Nick. I tried.
(2014.Apr.11 07:29 AM)deadmanwalking Wrote: [ -> ]We have been getting leaned on since day 1 and hosped by Mac's crew for whatever reason I don't know <endless BS sniped>
I've seen too many of your mails sent to other people. It takes some brass balls to play ignorant like that.
One other thing, I only get about 230 ep off you from a leave attack. There are exactly 2 level 50's weaker than you. I think its funny that you talk shit about others being weak when your main defense is being a waste of energy to attack.
(2014.Apr.11 08:27 AM)backfromhell Wrote: [ -> ]Next hosp war after asylum vs joint chiefs
Will be
Joint chiefs vs tinker nd kgb.
I took them before.
Zyzz you are hollow... I get better fights off that girl nightwind
Hit the gym... I'll loan you my house
You have a long way to go to match the record of shitty sub gangs that Shadows had, Joint Chiefs.
But you'll get there.
(2014.Apr.11 06:00 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]You have a long way to go to match the record of shitty sub gangs that Shadows had, Joint Chiefs.
But you'll get there.
Sup Kick Rock
Break out the Crayolas and color me tickled fucking pink...
How many seconds are we graced with your intellect spacebird??

(2014.Apr.11 05:41 PM)Zhukov Wrote: [ -> ] (2014.Apr.11 08:27 AM)backfromhell Wrote: [ -> ]Next hosp war after asylum vs joint chiefs
Will be
Joint chiefs vs tinker nd kgb.
I took them before.
Zyzz you are hollow... I get better fights off that girl nightwind
Hit the gym... I'll loan you my house
Well that's what happens when you donate 20$ a week. You et stronger simple. Also.tinkers gonna need it more than me. So give your house to him...