(2014.Apr.10 11:29 PM)strqaz Wrote: (2014.Apr.10 10:33 PM)mylord Wrote: (2014.Apr.09 07:06 PM)Maccleod Wrote: (2014.Apr.09 04:40 PM)mylord Wrote: (2014.Apr.01 06:37 AM)Maccleod Wrote: You seem to have space now
Yes you opened a few up Big guy.420 people message us.
No, I think you opened them up 
39619 420 SMOKEWEEDEVERYDAY420 37 209 Hospitalized by shauno.
EDIT: hey, -1 member again(was 12 yesterday), wonder how long before its only 3 members left? 
Members 11
Capacity 18
We have been getting leaned on since day 1 and hosped by Mac's crew for whatever reason I don't know. Yeah, it's gotten old being at hosp war with all the biggest gangs on AL one after another. At least we play the game. We were just slowing down a bit from all of our accomplishments to let you keep up Tinkerbell. Ya got 3 70's and yeah, that makes you bigger than us. So when are you going to take on something bigger than our little 11 man gang? You talk like you ever do something. What's a big war for you? Trying to sneak past us or the Warlords while we aren't online. Looks to me like you couldn't handle 36 and you are still kissing Mac's ass in a gang that could whip it.
Big gangs don't war each other for more than a day. They are afraid to commit to doing anything other than stealing. General kicked ass for us. Maybe if you ever war anybody he might even kick ass for you. General and Shauno have done more for us in 2 months each than you have done the whole game. They didn't even have to break a sweat to do it. Perhaps after you have done something besides run your mouth to people when they are down you will have earned some respect like that.
My big advice to you Tink is, go help bust your friend in SV for the money to afford stims. They don't seem to think enough of you to get you out. Living in that huge ass gang and living in the hosp is shameful. I notice KGB is all ready to hosp now that our big threat is gone again and we are already at war. I guess he thinks Mac incapable of handling his own business. Looks like he thinks he can take him too. My money is on Mac, unless the rest of the gang gets involved. It's just like I told you before... every time we get hosped from your gang, YOU will be the first to feel it, and you will do as they say or you will find another spot.
RJs offer is looking better and better. If it is still on the table, it is already better for longer than Mac's word. Of course you would probably leave since you don't want to be associated with anybobody having anything to do with us. You aren't a fool after all...