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(2014.Feb.05 11:22 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]yea sorry cred prices are ridiculous. just because i can afford bull shit doesnt mean im gonna buy it


Hell if that's the case then the top 10 wealthiest players would just have bought all the credits every single time its posted and hog it for themselves.(or sell at 10k per cred lol). I'm practical enough not to waste my hard earned money for that.

Oh shit, did I just give the top 10 players ideas on how to monopolize the credit market? Fuck. Sorry guys Sad
no thats actually why the credit market is so fucked right now. every time someone posts creds at a reasonable price they get bought and reposted for bullshit. there needs to be a cap on what people can charge for things. here and in the real world.
Yeah, it's a vicious cycle...

Also #RIP OP /thread
(2014.Feb.06 10:31 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]no thats actually why the credit market is so fucked right now. every time someone posts creds at a reasonable price they get bought and reposted for bullshit. there needs to be a cap on what people can charge for things. here and in the real world.


The credit market is fucked cause this is the most poorly run game on the interwebz

I think that was implied on his statement. No credit price regulations = bad game structure.

Not even a simple money sink to keep inflation at bay. Stuff like temporary 1 fight +stat consumables(only applies for pvp, no effect on crime success rate, etc) will quickly drain excess money. As the crimes don't really scale up that well with inflation especially for low/mid levels.
exactly! and at the rate of inflation young levels either donate to equip your t350 or say " fuck this game, how can i afford credits if i only make 300-700 a crime?"

by the time the would make enough money to buy the credits required they would be either way beyond that weapon in stats or way above it in level. either way you feel like a cunt for playing
I believe you get enough endu from classes to be at 10 or 12 endurance.
(2014.Feb.09 02:04 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]I believe you get enough endu from classes to be at 10 or 12 endurance.

I got it up too 12 with classes alone. But I think there might be 1 more edu class yet to.complete for me.

But also 12 edu is only enough.for half the weapons nd armors in the game, can be a bit annoying for the new players in the game.
Took me about a year of constant 8 hours training(none missed) to get to this point:

Awakened Lands University
Skills | School
Congratulations, you have graduated Awakenedlands Community College. Below are a list of graduate classes you can take or are enrolled in.

Course Cost Confidence Acc Dex Res Str End Int Rep W.E.
Study Skills - GC499 0 100% 0 0 0 0 0 405 0 0 Completed
Study Habits - GC498 0 100% 0 0 0 0 155 0 0 0 Completed
Internship - GC497 0 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 Completed
Internship - GC496 0 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 Completed
Chemistry 500 0 100% 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 25 Completed
Computers Science 500 0 100% 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 25 Completed
Political Science 500 0 25.86% 0 0 0 0 250 250 25 125 Study
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