Hideout Boobie-trap - Hate having the same gang running over your hideout? Well, next time you are declared on you will have some way of striking back. For a price you can set up traps in your hideout for those who overrun it next. Of course you cannot do this during war so it has to be set up beforehand. The results can be pretty rough, as all online players from both gangs will end up in the hospital once the bombs explode.
this idea has potential, but I think it'd be sweeter if you had to pump ap into setting off the explosives and then the gang setting it off gets the f word out harm free, maybe if someone has been offline for like two hours they get blown up, but I would never rig my crib to kill me. people could easily send in decoy gangs to make us blow ourselves up if it had to be done pre-battle.
if you could do it during a battle it would be sweet as the s word for poop
so if your hideout blows up does it take ten times as long to be repaired

Punisher Wrote:so if your hideout blows up does it take ten times as long to be repaired 
Good point.
how about grenades or machine guns for level 10 military people?
*attempted hijack*
BIG BAD WOLF option She'll huff, She'll puff, She'll blow your hideout down?
Gang point safe:
cost of $100 per point stored, deducted from the vault.(no limit)(Gang battle attackers would still get their rightfull points, but the defender would not loose them)
Hide out boobie traps:
set per person protects only that person. cost and effectiveness increase with level. $100 for level 1 protects for 500 points of damage in 1 gang battle.
Hide out wpns:
-Guard dog...$300 ea.. does 50 points of damage to any gang battle attacker. (number of dogs limited by highest level member 1 additional dog granted at each 10th level (i.e. lvl 20 is highest level in the gang=3 dogs(1 dog for less then 10, 1 additional dog at level 10, 1 additional dog at lvl 20))) each dog only works once per battle attacker per defender.
-Automated wpn base market cost+ 35% for instelation and automation of wpn. all automated wpns attack at 1/2 of lowest level member's skill. Works only once per attacker/defender.
-war ender bomb. damages all attackers and defenders, ends the gang war.(kind of a panic button for when you ar loosing your Arse)
-any defensive system in place works allone, that is you will not face an automated smg and a guard dog. your first attack you will face one defence option, on your second attack you may face another, and so on.
Time limits:
8 hours, gang war eands. Attacker will loose as if defender had won the war. Defender will gain points as if attacker hide out was reduced to zero.
30 or so gang zones. each gang can have only 1 zone, but can extract "tribute" from defeated gangs. (10% of OC money or if the gang stops OC's then 10% of members personal funds per week) gangs not having a "zone" must obtain one before they can get a tribute. zone is lost if they loose a gang war. avalable zones can be obtained by a new OC, bought with gang points, or bribed out of a government official for a substaial fee. Tribute can be over thrown through a new OC, or a war victory from the gang they are paying tribute to.
Member careers should also come in to play in the war, construction ppl might be able to use career points to drop baracades in to place, while some one in politics might be able to get police on sceane to get an attacker arrested.
(mods feel free to move this)
would it be possable to choose prior to an OC for cash or gang points as the pay off?
zenith Wrote:Gang Turf
Currently you can be anywhere in the city and attack another hideout. This does seem a little odd and is an obvious oversight on my part. Perhaps give gang hideouts some sort of location requirements such as a new "gang war" area where all attacks and defenses must be conducted. If you are outside this location you can only gang battle. Or each area can have different gang hideouts, although this could prevent certain gangs from attacking another unless they had multiple locations.
This one seems like an interesting concept. But in so doing, defense and attacking would only be able to really be done when you are physically at the hideout. In that case, the hideout should essentially be a protection, which could put an end to PvP attacks. How would one go into and leave a hideout that is under siege? Underground tunnels? So to find JimmieBoy (hopefully not a real user name) in Such and Such a Gang, you defend your hideout, then sneak off to go attack him in Rural or Downtown? Seems a bit.. unreal there, too. I like the idea, but there are prospects to it that may need some thought.
This kind of goes along with the gang turf idea. Since we have our houses, it would make sense that when we go offline it means we're in bed, tuckered out from steal cars all day. It seems dumb that you get hospitalized when your gang is warring when you're sound asleep. So maybe the attacker has to get past a security system before they attack you. Just throwing that out there.
I like that idea also. Once that area was created, it would be easy to add more later, potentially giving gangs the option of multiple hideouts. Make it some sort of 'Suburb' or something like that, since gangs don't have the power to control the city districts, maybe they can fight for potential customers and recruits in the housing areas on the outskirts. =]
And of course, no level restrictions on these zones, instead, youre only required to be in a gang to travel to them.