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I don't need friends. Thanks for the concern, though(for someone who doesn't give a fuck).
you forgot to say please
so much for the thread about updates.
Yeah, he should have just ninja'd them in so people would be pleasantly surprised for about 20 minutes before bitching again.
(2013.Mar.20 02:48 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]so much for the thread about updates.

Any thread about updates is going to degenerate into something else because there never are and never will be any actual updates to discuss.
it's not even a game update.

it is an announcement on stuff that hasn't been done and what may or may not be done. the one 'major' update that is being suggested is bullshit anyhow and, as mac stated, pretty much a waste of time.
Although I still think it's cool that they are thinking about talking about an update...

I've been thinking about probably donating maybe one day but won't hold my breath on's always nice to think about...
(2013.Mar.16 11:05 PM)cipher Wrote: [ -> ]In the next couple of days, my work schedule will return to something that resembles normal. This should start to afford me more time to work over here again.

With that said, here are my current priorites:

  1. Get all prizes out to the winners from the past couple of contests.
  2. Catch up on my backlog of mail
  3. Create a lending system initially used for buying housing. This way players can lend money for housing knowing it can't be used for anything else.
  4. Make some fixes to the combat code to bring the fight log records back.


1 Anybody get any prizes..??
2 Any mails answered..??
3 No lending system...yet.
4 Fight logs are STILL blank.

When he said 'normal,' he meant nonexistent. The abnormality in his work schedule was making notice anything in action.
Someone should post Tommi boy's strange rabbit sex obsession profile.
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