do not let this guy in yoour gang,he was my vp for a pretty good while and two days ago he stole all 74 grand from gang bank and then left,he use to be known as shadow55 but here is his new name and id so you know the id number.
godsrighthandman [4598]
wow...that blows...for 1 penny ill hit him

no,i was just posting it incase someone was thinking about letting him join their gang,i'm hosptializing him often
yo durty ill whack him too
This is why I am very picky about who is vice president of my gang. I hope that CrazyKid has seen this thread.
i'm glad i can trust my VP
i should have removed him as vp when headless1 joined my gang but i didn't,headless is the new vp,i know i can trust him,he played another game with me and he was one of my leaders.
You could always pick yourself as VP.
That though may give some people ideas saying you do not trust your fellow gang members and they may leave or not join. Maybe temporarily somebody can be Pres and VP but in the long one. That's why my previous gang only invited those they knew to the gang and when it was restarted I started inviting them back.