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Well, he is gone I imagine. He is no longer in UR and he has been offline for over a day...


Sorry outlaws. Unless I can catch him online getting his hours for his career I am afraid he will not be giving up any more money for muggings due to the new system. *Sniffle Sniffle* I used to have decent mugging targets. LOL
lol. isnt that you shadow55? yea it is
Lol, I quit a few years back and someone got hold of my account. Explained and resolved years ago man.
Wow i was hated lol
Was? ;-)
Scammers come and go
Thieves are here forever
(2011.May.08 08:53 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Was? ;-)

Pot calling the kettle black.

Yo inpace link me to those videos where you're bragging about your 500dmg hit again so I can get some laughs on this fine day of mothers.
Someone can't identify sarcasm.... I like shadow55 but ok.

As for the hits, I got called out as a liar when I said I could crit people for 600 damage with a kama dual.... I posted a pic and I was told I edited the numbers.... so I made a video. What is the issue? Yrmeah I was level 13 at the time but 600 damage at level 12?3 is practically a one hitter quitter at that level.

I have no problem showing my real face here.... belittlers be dammed.
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