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How much of an effect does endurance have on your gym gains compared to happiness?

I forgot how shit my trains were before I got my endurance up to high 20's.

Anyone remember percentage gains they got with each level of endurance?
86 energy with 18 end and 850 happy gave me like 94ish dev points
114 energy with 10 mill house and 23 end gives me 185/190
and are these when you are a donator?
(2012.Aug.06 12:07 AM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]and are these when you are a donator?

yes for me too. if i'd train before grabbin ds, it'd be more like high 60s
every level at 850 happiness gives you 2 points per level. I think endurance at the same standards is half that. However I don't know for certain.
So I saw a thread from a couple of years ago here about endurance vs happiness, which one do you think is more important, or should be?

i.e: ive always gone for endurance, but reading the old thread I maybe should have gone for extra housing...
(2012.Aug.06 12:13 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]So I saw a thread from a couple of years ago here about endurance vs happiness, which one do you think is more important, or should be?

i.e: ive always gone for endurance, but reading the old thread I maybe should have gone for extra housing...

after the 20 mil house, first arcology if memory serves, housing gives a better gain for the money than endurance.... up until mid 80s endurance, at which point housing becomes more viable again, due to the fact that the modifiers in the training formula for happiness and endurance are multiplicative, not cumulative.
(2012.Aug.06 04:13 AM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]every level at 850 happiness gives you 2 points per level.

false. read my above post #2 i think. ur not taking endurace into account
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