Yours was a lie too, it says Hunt3r is ranked 39. You are Jamie White.
(2012.Jul.25 03:20 PM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ] (2012.Jul.25 01:50 PM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]Yours was a lie too, it says Hunt3r is ranked 39. You are Jamie White.
Your such a idiot how am I lieing you muppet you think your funny but your just a Lonley man who lives with his mum
e such a
n idiot
, how am I l
ying you muppet*
? You think you
e funny but you
e just a
ely** man who lives with his m
*Not sure what this is means.
**Lonley is not a word in the first place, much less a proper noun. Unless you believe my name is Lonley, in which case you are wrong. However your capitalization was correct.
kermit the frog and shit dawg
I wasn't raised by Jamies English teacher, I know what the muppets are. I just don't understand what he was trying to imply by calling me a muppet.
haven't the foggiest perhaps he could enlighten us?