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I've noticed the same targets I use to make out at 280 I now hit and can get 430ish. Both active and inactive are the same for me.
active players are training their stats and give you a bigger challenge = more xp.

inactive players have stopped training and once you pass them you arent getting shit from them.

thats why you level before you train, at the expense of being called -weak for your level-, but its all bs if you know how the game works.
spacebird defeated Axel Johanssen.
You honorably defeat all combatants. You walk away and let your defeated opponents sulk in their own misery.

Experience Earned : 827
Hospitalization Time : 72
you call that exp?
This games fucked

whiskygod Hosp Loss 9 6 1,924 2,681 168 651

There is no chance in hell he should beat me
His str is 45 ish mines 75 my skill in lbm is 11 sort it fucking out
Youre both lying about your stats.
Strength 74 + 15 89 39 13,049.76 28,125

Fuck you
Strength 83 -3 80 16 9,680 35,280
(2012.Jul.25 12:07 PM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]Strength 83 -3 80 16 9,680 35,280

Nice one cock poi doesn't lie mugg
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