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Full Version: so about the attacks under 50%..
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randomjacker, as w00k said, if every 499er tried to gang up on him, we'd each just lose. it would be fulitle. plus we wouldn't have time to organize ourselves into attack mode if everyone's in the hospital.


zenith Wrote:If there aren't any arguments for it by noon then there really is no need to keep it where it is. If there are arguments for it then perhaps we can discuss the strengths and weaknesses of it.

I'm for it, you can still stim out in fair, it gives lower levels a chance to take down tougher opponents and get their gang more points. and there's nothing to stop the opposing side from doing the same thing. plus the 15-25min hospital wait gives them a chance to at least get to serious, sometimes even fair.


Thank you Zen!


Flame away, but I think that the ability to take out a higher level player is mandatory. If I am unable to take down a player that is higher in power than me, then I just dont see the point for battling for GP's.

If you were to change it back, players with mid level power, who together sould take one stronger player, are now only able to hit players close to their level. The same for low level -> Mid Level.

If we lose the ability to hit under fair the game will sway in the favor of higher level players.

I propose no hitting under serious. This will allow people the ability to hop around and do other things, as well as affording mid or low level players the option of hitting stronger players efficiently.
I was not reffering to mid level players trying to take on giants. I was more refering to a scenario where playajam, and mud could gang up on me and take me out. Or for an exact example that happened yesterday Captnhowdy hit me and then nightslayer. If this code was not in place I would have been able to wait to nimbus up... I was not afforded this time. Nice job working together by the way guys I love it!


But how is one to take out a much higher level player then? Sounds pretty boring to me.
I propose no hitting under serious. This will allow people the ability to hop around and do other things, as well as affording mid or low level players the option of hitting stronger players efficiently.[/quote]

this I agree would be fine! good ideas Marlo.... a middle ground.
Fractaleyes Wrote:But how is one to take out a much higher level player then? Sounds pretty boring to me.

You have to be able to cause enough damage to take him out. If 20 guys hit for 20 damage then he still would be standing.... Huge players have earned their stats.

Although it would be great fun to have a group attack option that could accomplish this I think it would have to be in a different topic. multiple attacks have their limitations


Group attack is a great idea! Either multiple players uysing energy, or a high priced hideout weapon.

But along the lines of attacking higher players, I am not tlking about taking down Vorenus or w00k, I am talking about g2 or Icing death, or Silver. I alone cant ake these guys down, but a double team can. If I am unable to reap the GP's that higher levels afford, what is the point? Am I just gonna attack the 5 or 6 people around my lebel that give me 1-3 GP's? The answer to that question is no.
This is what we have now I want to preserve. We are on the same page I think.
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