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Full Version: with the two new skills....
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headbutt and weapon strike, would be interested if the next set of updates we get has to do with weapon mods....
red dots, scopes etc for ranged
sharpening or extra weight behind melee,
blade attachments on ranged weapons for additional damage with weapon strike
moddable helmets for melee users for headbutt.... that way all the melee users look like a WWI german.....

go kaiser!
Maybe that's what the Headbutt and Weapon Strike categories are going to be for.
damn he is taking the to do list semi-seriously. i like it.

not too much has happened yet (i havent even SEEN a weapon strike myself yet....)
but it is promising
(2012.Apr.21 08:57 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]damn he is taking the to do list semi-seriously. i like it.

not too much has happened yet (i havent even SEEN a weapon strike myself yet....)
but it is promising

i am getting one in every 3 fights now.
lets just be happy with what we got.

new update +1.
Did anyone notice the new weapon catorgory?
(2012.Apr.22 03:48 PM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]Did anyone notice the new weapon catorgory?

Headbutt (melee)
Weapon Strike (ranged)
yes and the qusetion is which weapons is the bonus for we need more info?
(2012.Apr.22 03:48 PM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]Did anyone notice the new weapon catorgory?

Did anyone check the link I posted?
prob just a copy paste error
after each lvl, does it increase in dmg, frequency/hit rate or both?
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