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Full Version: Cyborg or Housing?
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the reason for selling the group is cyberware, SuperDave believes that getting housing will help this problem, I on the other hand believe that cyberware will get rid of them a lot faster and will help me more than having a good house at this point, because I can not afford a house. At this point I am interested in it like I used to be still but the progress is too slow I have come way too far cyberware wise to want to turn back the progress that I have made I am ranked in the top 20 for crying out loud and I have almost no intentions of turning away from cyberware until it costs me as much as it would to get a house that will provide the results that are very seriously needed to get the job done. I donate now the same as everyone else, and I say full speed ahead until I run on electricity instead of blood, I will not be discouraged of these ideas and beliefs until I have only one option a house or over a million dollar borg and if the borg will get the job done then that is exactly what I will choose, if the housing will get the job done I will choose it, until these conditions have met heads up in a place where they should have a long time ago
Were we supposed to understand this?
just read it over clearly and slowly, I'm sure of what I want to do but, that is the very best explanation I can give of my usage of time
It seems to be a rant complaining about your other account selling the gang for cyberware but you want a house. Except that you're a borg who loves borging and your other account is in need of a house.
SuperDave is older than me by 10years.... 2 days older than me in game and yet here we go again with this whole bs of thinking it's me, go ahead ask him any question you have I can assure you he would tell you a lot of stuff that I can but will choose not to because if I do it will be a assist in invasion of privacy
Personal attacks aside spike i would say that housing gives natural stats which are better than cyberware purely because they always work. But it also depends on where your natural stats sit. For me i still get levels fast in my stats so imo the house is always better
selling the gang for borgs? it will give you cash for what? 2 or 3 borgs?
A house is an asset, borgs are not. Buy a home and train, and when you're tired of training, sell the house for borgs. This really isn't a difficult thing to figure out.
already did that once, no offense but unless my house gives me 40s for gym trains I am not going to keep it right now as I said borgs are the way for me to go until the next one costs me 1mil 750k then of course I'll keep it
Be an idiot, get the borgs, I mean whats the point in gym training anyways?
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