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Full Version: Cyborg or Housing?
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(2012.Feb.07 04:11 PM)Spikelancelot Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like to thank you all for the input because it's players like you that inspire me to get better, to stomp your asses one day so fuck you you hater ass bitches SPIKE out

Not sure what the cyber has done for you?
You're a month older then what I am,
I was away from the game for about 6 month's.
As of right now seems as my house has benefited me a lot more then the cyber has benefited you.
Just saying!
(2012.Feb.07 03:50 PM)Spikelancelot Wrote: [ -> ]already did that once, no offense but unless my house gives me 40s for gym trains I am not going to keep it right now as I said borgs are the way for me to go until the next one costs me 1mil 750k then of course I'll keep it

What a pointless thread then.
houseing i willnever get cyborg again they suck took me a while to work that out

you need an abundance of humanity in order to borg effectively.

@spike- i wasn't ragging you with my post. i was just pointing out simple math.

@promqueen- anyone that takes advise from you should be shot.
All have made valid points but these borgs seem to be working overtime.

Ares FightLog 3.0.1
Attack Type Leave
Total Combatants 4
Attack Result Win
Initial Hit Points 100%
Total Combat Rounds 19
Experience Points Earned 261.0
Attack Time Feb 10 2012 - 12:15:48 pm
Encumbrance Rate 0.069
Weapon Used Ares Battle Cestus
Armor Used Colonial Dyneema Tancoat
Melee Bonus No
Defense Bonus No
Hits 15 (78.9%)
Damage Dealt 2506 (167.1)
Damage Resisted 260 (17.3)
Best Hit 614
Hits from Opponent(s) 9 (47.4%)
Damage Received from Opponent(s) 903 (100.3)
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 576 (64.0)
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 188

Below are all opponents involved in the battle.

Attack Result Loss
Opponent's Level 38
Initial Hit Points 100%
Experience Points Earned -18.1
Last Action Time Oct 28 2011 - 9:24:00 am
Weapon Used Melee
Armor Worn Yes
Helmet Worn Yes
Hits 5
Damage Dealt 1216
Damage Resisted 744
Best Hit 320
Hits from Opponent(s) 13
Damage Received from Opponent(s) 2808
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 360
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 315
Hospital Minutes 16

Attack Result Loss
Opponent's Level 35
Initial Hit Points 100%
Experience Points Earned -13.1
Last Action Time Feb 08 2012 - 1:18:03 am
Weapon Used Ranged
Armor Worn Yes
Helmet Worn Yes
Hits 9
Damage Dealt 903
Damage Resisted 576
Best Hit 188
Hits from Opponent(s) 15
Damage Received from Opponent(s) 2506
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 260
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 614
Hospital Minutes 30

Attack Result Win
Opponent's Level 39
Initial Hit Points 100%
Experience Points Earned 361.0
Last Action Time Feb 10 2012 - 12:15:48 pm
Weapon Used Ranged
Armor Worn Yes
Helmet Worn Yes
Hits 13
Damage Dealt 2808
Damage Resisted 360
Best Hit 315
Hits from Opponent(s) 5
Damage Received from Opponent(s) 1216
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 744
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 320



Attack Result Win
Opponent's Level 39
Initial Hit Points 100%
Experience Points Earned 361.0
Last Action Time Feb 10 2012 - 12:15:48 pm

How come it's not in my log.
Your log would be of jager or str it's one of the multi logs that happpens everysooften
(2012.Feb.10 07:15 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]Your log would be of jager or str it's one of the multi logs that happpens everysooften

there isn't
Attack maybee?
For me it would be housing when is it you need to start using borgs is it lvl 40?
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