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Full Version: Credits and the Inequality Between Donators & Non-Donato
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If the intent were to truly help out those who simply cannot/will not donate, but who truly do enjoy the game, I think you are on the right track here, xerxes. I think to reduce the potential for misuse, an apprenticeship program of some sort would be better suited. Any donator can take on an "apprentice" that recieves his donator benefits (either a percentage of full donator status or a small number of credits in comparison to his master for each donation) Then once the apprentice can afford donator status, his apprenticeship ceases and he flys on his own two legs from there. The system would need to be limited to a single use to prevent abuse and would most likely need a level cap (no lvl 20-30s "apprenticing" for bonus credits) This would atleast give them a taste of what it is to be a donator, and possibly entice them to donate themselves, or atleast provide them the means to advance for a month with status and make some extra scratch so that they can afford credits from the market to keep it up.

and to make a quick comment on the some other peoples posts about donators flying through the ranks. I agree it can be disheartening at times, but just remember its lonely at the top. How many times have we seen Casanova's roll in, take top spot and get bored and retire within a matter of months? I can count a handful.
Plain and simple, if there were no incentives, ie game boosts, then no one would donate and as said before the site would probably become stale due to lack of development.

I donate to advance, but not only that, to be able to help out others in my gang. I am glad we have this option, and btw, I could not be where I am as the others are without huge amounts of activity, play time, and dedication to the site.

I've met lots of good people because of this game, and I even liked it enough to bring my wife here......and she loves it.

Thanks zen, and keep making it fun Smile


Ih8lucky13 Wrote:Heck if someone is happy buying thier way to the top let them, I am more than content spending as much as I do, I could afford to spend more, but I would rather spend my money on material items.

I don't think Abby was saying they shouldn't be allowed to as everybody knows this happens in most games, I think the point he was mainlly putting across is that it's fustrating towards him, as it is towards me and many others, I always play on but my frustration builds up convincing me to put more money on the game. But I feel soon I'll not be able to get fustrated and then donating, it might have to be getting fustrated and then being less active or moving ot the retired district like Druchii for a bit and give it time to see how things plan out. I also think Abby was saying in ways the benefits can be too much, I kinda agree that some benefits are a little too much. But it happens. Twisted


I'd hate to some of the people here leave the game because they felt inferior to big-time spenders / you still can be better then most, that alone should be enough / just concentrate on being competitive within your lvl - if someone above you is way better in inteligence and endurance, or is a 0 humanity cyborg and has the 10 mill house, you may still be able to catch up with him at a later day, eventually you will be able to afford the same house, and you can train as hard as he does and beat him. Though beating him can cause you pleasure, the team spirit and ethics are high in AL. This is the one game that made me feel like i'm not alone and against everyone else (and please believe I've kept myself in top 10 many times in other games) I made it an everyday ritual and have progressed thrice as much in the last two months as I have the first three months (5 months playing in total). I don't fell inferior to big-time donators - I consider myself in another league so to say. Smile

I guess it's all a point of view, and a question of character.

Is it just me, or does everyone has made large posts here? LOL

::finishes biggest non-rap post so far::


That may be Zenith's long-term goal - to create another league or platform so to speak. Perhaps the 1500 most advanced players play on Platform 1, and the next level at Platform 2, and so on. But, what I believe is happening here is that the super donators are advancing waaayyy beyond the non-donators and it is becoming more difficult for the non-donators to keep up. Ideally, if we had several hundred players fairly tightly packed between, say, level 25 and 45 with a healthy spectrum of every level (especially top levels) dispersed amongst several gangs or gang families, it would be more competitive. There's well-developed level 20's in this game that could defeat level 24 players. So, level isn't everything, but it's very important for hit points. But, I agree that it would get frustrating (thanks abysmal) when someone spends the same amount of hours in the game flies by you because he donated $200.00 in the past two months and you only donated $10.00 or could not afford to donate at all. I'm all for donating $200.00. You're right, Scottie, Zen has spent a ton of time on the game and she deserves it and needs it to implement some of the changes that we contribute to from time to time. But, I agree that sometimes the benefits from donating allow for too great of a chasm between the super-donators and minimal- or non-donators.

I also think that Geek's idea about apprenticeship was excellent.


For the numbers, donating more wont change much things, just be patient and in a few months the game will be swirling with players above lvl 20 and the competition will be like never before.

As for the rest, this game is made to be as much realistic as it can and just like in real life, those who have cash go further, higher and gets more than the poor.

I'm sorry, it's not fun for every1 but that is how life goes, gotta learn to live with it.

If you really, REALLY want to help out others, why don't you use 10% of what you get from donations and give it to others so they can buy donators day or buy them items at reduced prices, etc. I have my own way to help those who can't donate, just try to find your own. Smile
i am still working on getting a huge loan to get the next house so i can try to keep up with them donators :/ ive been stuck on a villa since march


Yer probablly longer for me lol.


if your goal is to catch up to the top players and become the "best" (too many variables in this game to call someone best), you're gonna hate playing this game before too long. People like Yoda or Pullo can jump 15 levels in one day for all I care.

Get yourself some refferals. Mine have really saved my butt here.


Every time I find site to get referals from I et banned for advertising lol. Twisted
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