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(2011.Nov.12 05:43 PM)cipher Wrote: [ -> ]The results are up. Tags will be given out shortly.

Credits should be available tomorrow evening.

At the risk of getting my nose alittle brown here.....

I think that it's fabdamntabulus that someone is in the drivers seat. I couldn't think of a better person to do it. Hugegrin

(2011.Nov.12 08:40 PM)Budweiser Wrote: [ -> ]My bad gq, I didn't catch that. Probably why is said "would it be possible" as opposed to " hey mother fucker make sure"

Damn Giant I was trying to take a drink. That didn't work out so well for me.
Thanks for the contest cipher!! My end also sends its regards
good contest..those elevenbot bitches got what they deserved!
Thanks for the contest
i can't wait for the 12/12/12 contest lol. i'll put it in my schedule now Razz
itll be the last one for almost a hundred years
Credits are available, and have been combined with the TenBot credits from last year if you had any.
(2011.Nov.13 04:14 PM)cipher Wrote: [ -> ]Credits are available, and have been combined with the TenBot credits from last year if you had any.

Thank you Smile
Thanks, Cife
thanks for the int Smile
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