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Full Version: credit market needs quantitative easing.
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[Image: 9090734.jpg]
(2011.Sep.19 07:22 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]why don't you like the candies to have a possible ap refill? it seemed few and far between with the last bunch of them and they will cost a mint regardless.

i don't see how a similar crime to the sympack theft couldn't be coded to a small amount of credits. that first sympack code was pretty brutal. throw a "credit market theft" crime in a higher level district with the probability of catching grey or red scoring about 15 credits when you see green. lets face it, i don't think creating a few credits is gonna take the economy out of balance. we create gang points.

I guess if they were rare, but they'd also have to be expensive, in order to make sure people weren't basically criming for free.
idk, they'd be good for a low cost so noobs and low levels in general can use it. mostly to get familiar with the importance of credits. and really who gives a fuck about the economy, i mean really, its a game lol.

personally i agree with everything sb has said on this
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