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when i first started i didnt see my first update for a year. creds sold around 250 ea 230 sometimes and capped typically around 300.

cred prices are high cuz sellers are greedy. end of discussion.
(2011.Sep.10 08:22 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]when i first started i didnt see my first update for a year. creds sold around 250 ea 230 sometimes and capped typically around 300.

cred prices are high cuz sellers are greedy. end of discussion.

when u first started, zen still cared.
She promoted, updated, and maintained the game.
There has to be a balance of high lvl players and new players for the credits to equilibrate.

without the new players, no1 is donating.
high lvl players are criming enough to not have to donate.
simple case of not enough supply and too much demand.

fithly, you asked earlier why threads like this always end up bashing zen and updates.

it is because of this reason. why would anyone refer this game if it's not maintained.
a closer look reveals...
(2011.Sep.10 08:22 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]i didnt see my first update for a year.

(2011.Sep.10 08:42 AM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]why would anyone refer this game if it's not maintained.

did you play video games before ps3 or xbox 360? if this was true none of the video game companies would've continued to flourish.

what makes the game stale to me is all the whining. fuck dude i've been around five years why dont i bitch about everything?

how many updates does your girlfriend have?

i remember this same shit being whined about regularly. isn't this why pullo quit in the first place four years ago? if it was so maintained where'd he/she (im not sure which) go?

i dont want to discredit anything people are saying, i'm just tired of all the bitching. it;s not getting updated. get over it.
you started in oct 2007.

please see this link:

are you serious about games before ps3 and 360 not being updated?
all mmo games were maintained on the regular.

I heard wow was launched in 04, before ps3 came out.
they must be successful because of all the people that arent bitching about the game.

you wouldnt bitch if you've been waiting for a contest prize that happend 9 months ago?
the contest prize i would bitch about. agreed. but i dont mean just computer games, i mean games in general. i never played shit like WoW cuz its a gay bunch of D&Dtards with computers lmao.

i know lots of people who do play it, they are complete tools in RL with no sex life( the ones i've known). i'm sure the same can be said about alot of ALers though too. i saw most of you're pictures. whoa you are an exception you party more than i did lol. no beef bro.

why dont you flood her e-mail then? she obviously isnt paying attentionto the forums or her in game mailbox?

when you pray and they never get answered you stop praying eventually, right?

i'm not God-bashing, this is just a real life example.

i guess i stand corrected about "updates" back then, even though it all seemed more like routine maintenance to me...
FTR, I wasn't bitching about anything. The topic is easing the credit market. What I wrote was that the credit market is high because of admin neglect, and that some updates would result in the price of credits coming down.
one of many reasons
(2011.Sep.10 03:18 PM)MrPapagiorgio Wrote: [ -> ]FTR, I wasn't bitching about anything. The topic is easing the credit market. What I wrote was that the credit market is high because of admin neglect, and that some updates would result in the price of credits coming down.

right, ur good. i mean everything goes to updates. that's the bitching i mean. i agree that they would be welcome. i just feel that, with exception to those still waiting an eternity for contest prizes, we should all be patient or at least tone it down a little. Maybe theres a lot goin on outside of AL for zenith we dont know what the deal is. and i also agree that for being so brand new Cipher is kinda on the slacking side.

i'm not saying anyone is wrong just that its getting old.
You can call it bitching if you want to, but that don't make it so. I have never ever complained about the game getting updated. Don't bother looking for a post where I do, cuz you won't find one.
video game companies flourished before "updates" because you couldnt "update" a console w/o a connection to the internet. ever hear of "patches?" these are affixed to console games DAILY now. ever hear of "micropayments?" people pay for small updates, thats how important they are to games.

honestly, how long can you play an unchanging game? would u just sit and play the original mario every single day for the next few years? no. you'll beat it and move on to mario 2 (unless you suck, then give up and move on to 2).

now what about a game that allows you to keep playing indefinitely. well, i dont see an AL 2 anywhere. so there must be some sort of changes or improvements to keep people interested. has anyone LOOKED at the userlist?

Showing users 1 to 100 of 553.

this is ONE HALF of the active users one year ago. maybe THATS why the credit market is tanking? maybe it DOES have to do with the game being stale as fuck? good lord use some fucking logic
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