I was wondering if we could add this to the game a lot of us have a ton of cash tied up in real estate.
It would be great if we could have loans against our properties and have to pay a certain amount every day to repay this loan or our property would be foreclosed on.
that would be cool, or maybe we could sell the houses to different peoplebesides real Estate like Sale by owner type.
pimpsta101 Wrote:that would be cool, or maybe we could sell the houses to different peoplebesides real Estate like Sale by owner type.
interesting idea
Well my ranch is a little bit to big for just me so i could rent out a few rooms, maybe take and acre of the land and build an apartment block.
But seriously maybe a loan shark like in dope wars, you could borrow money, an amount based on your current lvl and get x days to repay it, if you dont then you get hospitalized regularly until you start making payments or something
A player could just do this.
Swizzler Wrote:But seriously maybe a loan shark like in dope wars, you could borrow money, an amount based on your current lvl and get x days to repay it, if you dont then you get hospitalized regularly until you start making payments or something
Indeed, just borrow it from a player and don't repay him, watch what will happen.

P.S. Just to back up Shuama, make sure that player is of a lower level, lower stats, lower activity, lower job (in real life) and lower weapons and armour, oh ye and someone that doesn't have a lot of friends. That would be a good way of making money. Them type of people are also easy to find.