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Full Version: Who is giving Housing Loans?
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for 2,000,000
i already asked him a while back he said i was too low of a lvl
please somebody mail me
Bump please somebody mail me with a Housing Loan?
Whats a reasonable price to charge per day to loan someone the 10 mill house?
100-150k a week
Thats a really cheap price, i was thinking 50k per day for 7 days.
good luck, i would do 200k a week at most. anybody who can afford to pay you 50k a day isn't going to need a 10 million loan, and if they are they have friends or know somebody else who is going to give them a much much much better deal.
I guess i would drop it to 250k for 7 days. If Your making 30-40k per day from crimes you should beable to afford that if you have alittle savings on the side also. The gains are worth it.
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