(2011.May.30 12:27 PM)schoolboy Wrote: [ -> ]damage is bogus. I thought it was relevant to the weapon. he has a fake weapon that anyone can create that kind of damage with. give us 60k ap and then ask us to kiss his feet.
u should prolly submit ur comments to an editor before posting, i can barely make sense of this gibberish.
im pretty sure everything in the game is fake. just sayin...
now that is very impressive nice job!
Very nice Glenn also have more sym paks for ya
this hideout breeds warriors
congrats to breeze as well!
Breeze 329 1,557 60,196 17,127 82
nice work for sure!!!! congrats!
Wooooot....Grats To Breeze...impressive numbers
(2011.Jun.03 07:24 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]this hideout breeds warriors 
thanks we know

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