2011.May.30, 12:38 PM
2011.May.30, 01:03 PM
go glenn go congrats good work mate
2011.May.30, 01:15 PM
Grats glen! I don't think he deserves a tag, but a profile marker would be worthy. Along with markers for people who have done 10, 20, 30, 40, 50k.... Of course Glen's would be much nicer and I think making it somewhat tit shaped would be fitting. Also I could see markers for hitting 500, 1000, 1500, 2000... attacks in a week and 50, 100, 150, 200, 250... wars in a week.
2011.May.30, 01:26 PM
Nice Glenn......you animal! 

2011.May.30, 07:07 PM
(2011.May.30 12:13 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]agree with monk. i think i would need to get to 69k for it to be a real gq tag.
2011.May.30, 07:48 PM
thanks to all for the nice comments.
you are a tool. the weapon was hard earned so you can gfy on that one. no one asked you for your comment, you decided to express your stupidity. also you fucked up that last line. who had 60k ap?
(2011.May.30 12:27 PM)schoolboy Wrote: [ -> ]damage is bogus. I thought it was relevant to the weapon. he has a fake weapon that anyone can create that kind of damage with. give us 60k ap and then ask us to kiss his feet.
you are a tool. the weapon was hard earned so you can gfy on that one. no one asked you for your comment, you decided to express your stupidity. also you fucked up that last line. who had 60k ap?
2011.May.30, 08:06 PM
(2011.May.30 12:09 PM)doubtful Wrote: [ -> ]Congratulations to Glenn Quackmire,
he did it, hit the 60,000 in hideout damage for the week.
Gang Member Wars Attacks Damage Dealt AP Spent Best Hit
GlennQuagmire 209 1,536 60,068 16,896 79
Way to go, now Zen this definitly deserves a tag!!!
So I did a little math. Glenn used 16,896 ap for all that damage. If we divide that ap by the crime I'm doing (ponzi scheme) and multiply it by my lowest crime day average attempt for this week (926) you'd get just under 580k in crime money. And that is with my lowest day crime attempt average this past week. Glen essentially donated around 580k to his gang this week. What a generous guy.

2011.May.30, 08:16 PM
(2011.May.30 08:06 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ](2011.May.30 12:09 PM)doubtful Wrote: [ -> ]Congratulations to Glenn Quackmire,
he did it, hit the 60,000 in hideout damage for the week.
Gang Member Wars Attacks Damage Dealt AP Spent Best Hit
GlennQuagmire 209 1,536 60,068 16,896 79
Way to go, now Zen this definitly deserves a tag!!!
So I did a little math. Glenn used 16,896 ap for all that damage. If we divide that ap by the crime I'm doing (ponzi scheme) and multiply it by my lowest crime day average attempt for this week (926) you'd get just under 580k in crime money. And that is with my lowest day crime attempt average this past week. Glen essentially donated around 580k to his gang this week. What a generous guy.
dude that is nothing compared to what bird breeze and a few others do every week. no pressure to do it from anyone just wanted to contribute to this great gang.
2011.May.30, 09:09 PM
(2011.May.30 12:09 PM)doubtful Wrote: [ -> ]Congratulations to Glenn Quackmire,
he did it, hit the 60,000 in hideout damage for the week.
Gang Member Wars Attacks Damage Dealt AP Spent Best Hit
GlennQuagmire 209 1,536 60,068 16,896 79
Way to go, now Zen this definitly deserves a tag!!!
Well someone has to pick up your slack,never send a woman to do a man's job.Nice work G.Q.Q!
2011.May.30, 09:39 PM
(2011.May.30 09:09 PM)SuperDave Wrote: [ -> ](2011.May.30 12:09 PM)doubtful Wrote: [ -> ]Congratulations to Glenn Quackmire,
he did it, hit the 60,000 in hideout damage for the week.
Gang Member Wars Attacks Damage Dealt AP Spent Best Hit
GlennQuagmire 209 1,536 60,068 16,896 79
Way to go, now Zen this definitly deserves a tag!!!
Well someone has to pick up your slack,never send a woman to do a man's job.Nice work G.Q.Q!