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I think personally it would be good if the game resetted annually or some other interval. I know BioNightmare and LoL resets so why not here? I have seen newbies on those other two games start low and by the second or third reset they were in contention for the top spot.

I think it may also minimize others leaving as they know that even though they were pounded by FAR HIGHER players "This Round" they would know that with a reset they may be able to stay alive longer or even excel to be above those others hitting them previously. Also would make others think about who they may want to attack because that person may attack them the next round. LOL


To me this gang took me 7 months to get where I'm at and I don't think resetting would be good for this type of game as it doesn't go fast enough, but I'm sure something else could be worked out to make the game better.


Reset?!! Maybe if the few hundred bucks I've donated were "reset" into my bank account..
psheehan, I second that emotion!
Perhaps every 90 days or so the top 5 gangs become a target of a Gang Task Force. Resulting in that gang being disolved and prohibited from regrouping for anther 90 days. Or sumpin like that


LOL, gee, i wonder if that's fair. NOT!


Or the top 5 gangs with the most gangs crushed under there feet. Or the top 3 even. LOL


As it stands the players that give the most money to the game are the ones that or on top. look at the highest player stats they are by people that have been here a third of the time i have. They are give cash and i cant so they rule this world.


Or some people claim to be a female to beg for stuff.


A more reasonable solution would be setting a level cap... say 50? And including more content to do other than level/stat. =P *cough*zenith*cough*
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