mudpies Wrote:we knew you guys as the jail busting gang. sorry it has all gone down like this.
I've got an idea that will make me stay in the game!
I'm now the official JailBuster!
It was fun busting out people and I don't need a gang to do that!
So look for me trying to bust you out of jail while I'm still around..
Why not make a jail busting gang? I can ask Car to send me the cash back I donated and we can start one up. Of course I am going to be off forlong periods due to these 12+ hour days. That way our gang loyalty will be low so no need to try to crush us. I even know the name of a popular Bail Bondsman here in town. LOL That dude is like majorly on TV everywhere.
That would be good and we would hav ethe gang for a whileand we could add one more member too. I'm able to play this game until June 25th after that it will be hard but I would be able to play mostly on the weekends. I wouldn't mind that idea at all. it should be fun. But we might still need to find respect sometimes. To me jail busting is the fun part since I can't donate and all.
haha about the bail bondsman.
if you keep it just the two of you they can not declare war on you guys
I wish you the best of luck with this grand new adventure.
Thank you for the kind words from everyone, they are truely appreciated
Well, why declare war on us anyways if our gang loyalty is off the Pantheon? What purpose would it solve. If these attacks are because of my essay (See thread as I have replied there too for anyone not knowing of the essay) then it wouldn't matter how low we were. Just trying to find a way to use my donator days. I donated $20 and threw the majority of the credits into days. LOL
New idea for Lady Zen, anyway to write some code so others can give donator days to others? I know we can do it with items and cash so why not days? HEHE
Thanks for a great game Lady Zen. (Still wish you had a salute icon)
It would be good to start up a new gang and it's too bad that this one is dying.
ill miss rosario

she was basically my sparring partner for the longest time. huggles <3
Well, I'll admit I was gonna cause a big stink. . . but being that our leader is a class act, I'll follow her lead.
After we're disbanded I have no desire to play this game anymore. I don't appreciate the efforts of my time, money, and energy being destroyed at someone else's whim (for no good reason). So, for sheer self preservation, I won't be putting myself in that situation again. And sorry, but joining another gang just ain't an option.
To the other members of ~Dusty~ (a.k.a. all the other names we it's been so real. You know where to find me. :wink:
To those who are staying, good luck with your jail busting gang. I always got caught when I tried to bust So, I'll leave it to the pros. :wink:
Cya later peeps.
This whole thing is a big mess..
It was the Housekeepers who got me playing here, mostly Jeffrey and I'm really sorry to see that some of you are going.. or can't play here any more.
Yeah I know I'm a CoF'er but I've stuck to the training and nothing more.. even though I'm getting blatted left, right and centre by some of Marvel but that's another story... had stuff to say on it, threads locked there so I won't.
Take care Carr, Roxanne and all of you guys and gals from the Housekeepers.
Nilynrae... I would have to agree. Jeffery isn't the LOL'er that got me in, but, he's a top notch guy and we had a blast in CKI a while back. He helped me and my son with our first Pinewood Derby car..... 3rd place trophy :wink: I hope you ALL stick around.