2007.May.30, 07:35 AM
2007.May.30, 07:56 AM
Mucho Gracias for all of your input. Especially psheehan for puting his health on the line by throwin some big names around. I've been Marvel since conception and was astonished to find it should be named gerneral disaray! MrFantastic has done alot to keep me interested in the game. Nothing was givin to me until i earned it. Yet when i interganged this question it was 6 no clues and a dozen "long story" responses. So I hollard at you bras! :wink:
Thanks all!
Thanks all!
2007.May.30, 03:35 PM
psheehan78 Wrote:There used to be stepping stones and order and structure in the marvel family when mr fantastic and cpt america and wolverine were the legends and I felt honored to be a part of it.Ouch......
Quote:Half the marvels don't even have marvel names (a mandatory when I belonged). I left because there was no more order or discipline.As many of us did.
Quote:all marvel gangs were tied but then everyone and thier dog started to put marvel in thier name!Right on and much more.
Quote:I've been Marvel since conceptionSince your conception or Marvel conception? Cuz I don't remember having you in the heroes 200 days ago.
p.s. Can anyone (beside mr.F whom I'm sure he knows) tell me what the marvel heroes were named before being marvel heroes??
2007.May.30, 03:45 PM
hydro9226 Wrote:Can anyone (beside mr.F whom I'm sure he knows) tell me what the marvel heroes were named before being marvel heroes??
Dukes of Hazzard
Yee haw.
2007.May.30, 04:17 PM
Marvel Heroes are the only Real marvel gang these days
2007.May.30, 07:44 PM
Lets go real old school and call them Garbage Pail Kids! :shock:
Hey hydro, you forgot to exclude the rest of the legends (that's the ones that answered for everyone who didn't know)
Hey hydro, you forgot to exclude the rest of the legends (that's the ones that answered for everyone who didn't know)
2007.May.30, 08:00 PM
XxDragonxX Wrote:Marvel Heroes are the only Real marvel gang these days
What about the Knights?
2007.May.30, 08:00 PM
the 80s rule!
2007.May.30, 08:41 PM
The Knights were the ORIGINAL Marvel. That was the Dukes of Hazzard before it was the marvel knights. the issue was that we wanted an elite gang, but that gang had way too much respect and the elders were randomly destroying gangs at the time. so we started a level 100 gang. took a while to get organized but once we did man, marvel was being upgraded like nothing I have ever seen before, excellent communication with 50+ members. It was an honor to be a marvel. Who knows maybe the Marvel name will make a comeback sometime.. 

2007.May.30, 09:31 PM
If any current or past Marvels would like to get the ball rolling on a rebuild i would like very much to be a part of it. Ushane its nice to see u speak proudly of your marvel exp. The gang I inherited from Mr.F was at 27 respect. In a short time we managed to add another 120 points to that. Not just for our gang but to show all marvel gangs that we are team players willing to dedicate our time and money to honor those who paved the way for us. Perhaps its time to excomunicate those who have strayed from the family. Those of you who claim Marvel and have lost the dedication dont deserve to carry the tag and should remove yourself from it. The rules you all speak of past Marvel requirements are the rules MrF. set forth to me. Word for word. Marvel has lost some great prospects because of some random marvels acting independantly. Chasing away active talent is the road to pardition. Here I am a newbie compared to all of you yet carry more pride! My members respond to me when I pat them on the back for a job well done with " I did it for our gang" and "its a marvel thing". I publicly ask the Marvel family leaders to put forth the effort to enforce rules and be proud once again!