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You are going to get as much attention out of these credits as you can, aren't you dru? Come on, just b/c you're a weak ass player doesn't mean you need to get on the forum and scream "look at me, look at me!!". Isn't that why you're a mod? Doesn't it brings you much wanted attention? You're nothing but a 2 bit little shit stirrer, buddy.
(2011.Mar.16 02:45 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]

You are going to get as much attention out of these credits as you can, aren't you dru? Come on, just b/c you're a weak ass player doesn't mean you need to get on the forum and scream "look at me, look at me!!". Isn't that why you're a mod? Doesn't it brings you much wanted attention? You're nothing but a 2 bit little shit stirrer, buddy.

your very quickly becoming my favorite forum poster don't know if that means much to you but it just isn't shit that you post you trash people that deserve it and its funny to read too!
Round 8
Conrad hits Nifaturum for 465 damage. Nifaturum resists 89 for a total of 376 damage.
Conrad defeated Nifaturum.

You mugged $785,457 out of their pockets!
Experience Earned : 186
Hospitalization Time : 15
damn, better get on that
(2011.Mar.19 07:25 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]Round 8
Conrad hits Nifaturum for 465 damage. Nifaturum resists 89 for a total of 376 damage.
Conrad defeated Nifaturum.

You mugged $785,457 out of their pockets!
Experience Earned : 186
Hospitalization Time : 15

Any bets as to how long Zen will keep Dru on as a mod? Maybe until samiam comes back, again. Rolleyes
he could be gone 6 months and she wouldn't even know.
Sorry, credits up again. As with people thinking I have wired them directly to bank, you never can be sure. So the best thing for you is to hope that someone else buys them, I don't really care all that much.

Good luck and have fun Wink
Couldnt keep your slimy paws from logging in again?
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