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Full Version: Word on the street is there will be a gym day tomorrow.
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(2011.Feb.26 01:59 AM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Feb.26 01:51 AM)bigchaz Wrote: [ -> ]yeahhh says the india insulting a donation to the game that has lost half its population in a year

would you care to discuss how your convo fit the same one we were having

I was responding to someone who told me they dropped a ton of credits earlier in the night and didn't realize they didn't get the better conversion rate. After the amount of credits they told me they spent, that was my response.

Of course, our conversation was a bit similar, so I responded to the wrong one. Then I realized I sent it to the wrong person and apologized.

I didn't realize I had posted a full weekend gymboree until now, forgetting to change the text. So now I understand why you were upset.

Just another india insulting the donation.
Thanks Zen
I agree with those who said


You have gained 100.4970 Dexterity development points by training it 80 time(s).

I approve of this and all similar situations.
what did i miss
bunch of zen bashing.

hey zen, adjust my stats and ill take care of these guys for you lol
That's so awesome that you can call that meddling cunt a cunt now.
(2011.Feb.26 04:33 AM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ]Wow Zone I dont think i've ever seen u post hammered LOL

ive seen rj post drunk. what a fag. oh and funny posts chaz. that shits gold
@ zen

Just want to say thank you zen for the gym weekend, that was kind of you, and lowering the energy refresh thing & the no loss happiness trainer aswell made it even better, appreicated it alot. thanks
(2011.Feb.28 04:49 AM)TriadBoy Wrote: [ -> ]@ zen

Just want to say thank you zen for the gym weekend, that was kind of you, and lowering the energy refresh thing & the no loss happiness trainer aswell made it even better, appreicated it alot. thanks

suck up
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