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Full Version: Best Valentines day ever
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2/14/2011 1,034 962.41 12
Totals anyone?

2/14/2011 753 167.32 10

Not too bad for free end, but it was truly devastating to happiness.
2/14/2011 1,034 399.52 24
Nice gains Tommi
2/14/2011 953 233.25 67
2/14/2011 778 219.28 14

couple full trains in there when I wasn't gonna be able to get back on for a few hours... saved about 230k in creds. I'd do it again, but next time just 3 EP every 5 minutes, set the bot on autopilot Winky
2/14/2011 680 224.70 64
Thanks zen. I had fun yesterday.
2/14/2011 2,021 360.96 52 not bad
Your cat sucks!
2/14/2011 1,274 303.86 10

It was a rough day.. But, 300 endurance is about 360k in credits.
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