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Full Version: Doc Wagon for Free ala Zen
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you'd have to set a certain amount of gps aside when the war started though or else gangs would just spend their points on stimming beofre waving the 'white flag' (which the habitat respectfully declines on owning, btw).
(2011.Jan.26 08:28 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]you'd have to set a certain amount of gps aside when the war started though or else gangs would just spend their points on stimming beofre waving the 'white flag' (which the habitat respectfully declines on owning, btw).

if all else fails, i'm sure we could dig up a french flag somewhere, i mean it means the same thing, right?
you've been around giant too long.
(2011.Jan.26 08:34 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]you've been around giant too long.

What the Fuck is your fascination with me today?
hahhaaa, you've been quiet.
will you guys shut the fuck up. there are gangs here trying to sleep.
I got bitched at because I bullshit too much in gm so I only send out "important" ones now
(2011.Jan.26 08:41 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]will you guys shut the fuck up. there are gangs here trying to sleep.

When ate you coming over glenn we have to make room
(2011.Jan.26 08:41 PM)Budweiser Wrote: [ -> ]I got bitched at because I bullshit too much in gm so I only send out "important" ones now
(2011.Jan.26 08:41 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]will you guys shut the fuck up. there are gangs here trying to sleep.

When ate you coming over glenn we have to make room

is this my official invitation to the pants party? also ftr... i am with bird on the gm thing. we where thinking of calling you twistedsister2.
is this a thread where a multi is calling out a bot, again? Wink
hahhaa, fucking cocklover (no offense to the homos of course). when did i bitch you out?
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