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so...whatever happened to radioactive?
On a mission - for God
(2011.Jan.21 07:49 AM)yobtebe Wrote: [ -> ]On a mission - for God

from god perhaps?
Jesus loves me, he loves me a bunch, because he always puts skippy in my lunch.
(2011.Jan.21 07:49 AM)yobtebe Wrote: [ -> ]On a mission - for God

romans, bazaleel, a mission from god...

you aren't a priest by chance?
A nun, want to look up my Habit and see what you've always dreamt about
(2011.Jan.21 08:19 AM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Jesus loves me, he loves me a bunch, because he always puts skippy in my lunch.


Here's some Jesus magic.
(2011.Jan.21 09:38 AM)yobtebe Wrote: [ -> ]A nun, want to look up my Habit and see what you've always dreamt about

i don't believe you...maybe a religious sister. the nuns that ran the high school that i went to would have never been able to afford to advance four or five characters in an online rpg like you have. they has no monies!
(2011.Jan.21 11:15 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Jan.21 09:38 AM)yobtebe Wrote: [ -> ]A nun, want to look up my Habit and see what you've always dreamt about

i don't believe you...maybe a religious sister. the nuns that ran the high school that i went to would have never been able to afford to advance four or five characters in an online rpg like you have. they has no monies!

Side gig as a christian rock lead singer would pay for it
If you looked up a nun's habit, all you'd probably see is hair.

jus' sayin'
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