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If you got bunk canes Zen will replace them both Bru and myself made note of that in this thread

I can't put a number on what they are worth right now but, I will say if you want to see a return on them soon use them to power level if you are capable of holding on to them for a little bit then do that and the price will get to where you want it eventually you just gotta wait a little bit.


(2010.Dec.26 10:08 AM)SimonAnything Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Dec.26 09:47 AM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: [ -> ]if they sold at 5k I would buy every single one. for people at my level it costs almost $90,000 to refresh energy. if people go below 40k i think they are really selling low.

You only get what people are willing to pay for an item. Also, I did get a few canes that didn't even give me a boost. I mean like it gave nothing. I think I posted in another thread. I guess I am trying to say buyer beware or something.

Onward, let me ask you, what seems like a fair price for a super saturated item at the moment?

PS Onward, please don't take this as an attack, I really want to hear your opinion. Power leveling is a seriously tough thing to do, I am thinking of doing the same and wondering if I should dump my canes or use them to get to a similar level as yourself.

i know exactly what you are saying but even when the market is saturated, i would just refuse to sell until the price went up. there comes a point where the price would be so low that there is no use in selling them and instead just using them.

if i know there are players that take well over $100,000 to refresh happiness and energy, i would just try to sell to them slowly over time and forget the rest of the players. it might take longer to sell, but even though someone like me doesnt like even using cash on sympaks unless i have to, i'm still going to buy those if they stay around the 30-40k area for a gym day. i just sold half of mine off to make sure i have enough cash to upgrade my long-blade soon, otherwise i would never sell them.

players like me for example...even if only a third of them actually give me an energy refresh, if they're selling at 30k, it still is better to buy them than use credits.
Bump for results maybe?
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